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Management API

You can query and delete arbitrary users of your registered application using the Management API. The API is available at the URL path /.q/api/management.


Requests are authorized by providing the application secret in the Authorization header of the request. For example, to retrieve the data of the user with the ID 63d3f1e2-e396-4f35-8411-b855375e6885, you would perform the following request using curl:

curl -H "Authorization: S2XHHOEpDUTOUW3kPPPV6NjT6zJ4RioN"


GET /users/{id}

Returns the data of the user with the given ID.


Status: 200

"id": "92ee40a0-bb53-40b4-84d2-39d76b2cee2b",
"provider": "EMAIL",
"providerSubject": "",
"name": "Ada Lovelace",
"email": "",
"emailVerified": true,
"signedUpAt": "2022-09-08T09:41:57.067363Z"
  • provider is one of the following values: EMAIL, GOOGLE, GITHUB, FACEBOOK.
  • providerSubject is the ID assigned to the user by the identity provider. If the user registered via e-mail, the provider subject is equal to the email property.
  • email is optional. For example, a user authenticated via GitHub might not have a public e-mail address.
  • emailVerified is false if the user has registered via e-mail, but has not clicked the confirmation link in the verification e-mail yet.

Possible Errors

User Does Not Exist

Status: 404

"title": "User 92ee40a0-bb53-40b4-84d2-39d76b2cee1b does not exist",
"type": "",
"status": 404

DELETE /users/{id}

Deletes user with the given ID. All tokens of the user will be rejected after this call. The user will still be able to sign up again using the same authentication method (e.g. the same e-mail address). This new user will have a different ID.


Status: 204

Empty response.

Possible Errors

Status: 404

"title": "User 92ee40a0-bb53-40b4-84d2-39d76b2cee1b does not exist",
"type": "",
"status": 404